Please see the outdoor match official fees for 2025.
Please see the game days below for the 2025 outdoor season. Note that depending on the number of registrations per age group and gender some divisions may be combined or not offered. These are the suggested game days. Note that some clubs may not have fields on the designated day and may have to adjust accordingly.
Congratulations to our 2024 Gus Fabrikis Bursary recipients. Both individuals have demonstrated exceptional dedication to the game of soccer in the District and we wish them all the best in their post secondary education.
The Indoor District Cup draw was held at the BMO Centre on October 17th, 2024. The draw results are below. Please note that the dates and times of the games will be added later in the season with the semi finals and finals to be held in late March or early April 2025.
Thank you to all who participated in our District Cup Finals over the weekend of August 18-19. See our photo gallery of winners and successes!
For the EMDSL 2024/25 Indoor Soccer season the following fees will be payable to the match official before the start of each game:
U8/U9: $10.00 per team
U10/U11/U12: $15.00 per team
U13 and older: $20.00 per team
Thank you!
EMDSL is pleased to offer an indoor soccer League again for the 2024/2025 indoor season. Please see below for information regarding the League. Please do not contact the BMO Centre with questions regarding the League as the League is run by EMDSL. Questions should first go to your Club League Representative who will then contact the appropriate League representative if they do not have your answer.
Division (Boys and Girls Divisions) | Year of Birth | Format and Game Day Roster Size |
U8/U9 | 2016/2017 | 5 v 5 format max game day roster is 10 |
U10 | 2015 | 7 v 7 format max game day roster is 12 |
U11 | 2014 | 7 v 7 format max game day roster is 12 |
U12 | 2013 | 7 v 7 format max game day roster is 12 |
U13 | 2012 | 7 v 7 format max game day roster is 18 |
U14 | 2011 | 7 v 7 format max game day roster is 18 |
U15/U16 | 2009/2010 | 7 v 7 format max game day roster is 18 |
U17/U18 | 2007/2008 | 7 v 7 format max game day roster is 18 |
U8/U9: $1,500.00 per team which includes field rental and league fees. Team is responsible for referee fees and District Fees.
U10 and older: $2,500.00 per team which includes field rental and league fees. Team is responsible for referee fees and District Fees.
General Information
There is no tier structure for indoor soccer. In any divisions where registration may support a tiering system the respective Clubs will be contacted prior to the schedules being released. Teams should be aware that there may be a sizeable difference in the competitive quality of teams registered. The League cannot guarantee that the level of competition will be equal within any one division. For U13 and older teams of higher competitive development the league suggests registering to a higher league age level where appropriate.
Divisions may be combined across age groups listed in the table above, if there is insufficient teams to create a single division. Clubs will be contacted ahead of the schedule being released if this is the case.
Indoor Schedules once released cannot be modified. Teams should be aware that they will have a game on most Sundays in season. The League expects to start the first Sunday after Thanksgiving Weekend. The League will finish late March to mod-April 2025. For teams travelling from distance to play, the League will attempt two provide two games every other Sunday to reduce winter travel.
How To Register
Registration is closed for the 2024/25 season. Game schedules are expected to be live on the website by October 1st.
All teams that wish to register must do so through their respective Clubs. For Clubs out of District, they should first contact their home District for play out approval prior to registering. The League cannot accept teams that are not registered through their Clubs. Fees for teams registered must also be sent to the EMDSL office at the BMO Centre, 295 Rectory Street, London, N5Z 0A3 ahead of the deadline to avoid late registration fees.
Thank you to everyone who attended our U10-U12 Festival! We hope you had a great weekend of soccer.
Thank you to everyone who attended our U8/U9 Festival in St. Thomas! We hope you had a great day of soccer.
Thank you to everyone who came out to our Tier 3 festival!