Elgin Middlesex District Soccer League - Outdoor

Outdoor Team Activation

Team officials please see the Powerpoint presentation link below for step by step instructions on how to activate your team and enter your roster and jersey numbers for the upcoming season to the league website.

Team Officials please ensure that you select the correct club in the activation process. If you do not, any data you enter will be deleted and you will need to start the process again using the correct club.

Please note that this is for the league only. Your official team or pool roster will come from your club representative once they have completed the player registration process into SportsEngine through your respective District.
This is also the section of the website where you will print your game sheets and enter your scores if applicable. Note that each team official that is to appear on the game sheet must complete the activation process. The teams roster only needs to be entered once. Any questions on the working should first be directed to your club representative who will then contact the league if they cannot answer your inquiry. Questions directly from coaches cannot be answered on a timely basis due to the number of teams and team officials in the league.
Thank you!